The Allied Propane Difference
When it comes to choosing a propane supplier or contractor for your home or business, you have a lot of options in Northern California – but not all those choices are created equal. Allied Propane stands apart from the crowd with our: Range of expert services – Allied offers a wide top quality, worry-free propane solutions, […]
Are Propane Backup Generators Reliable?
A whole house propane backup generator can be a literal lifesaver for your family, powering home medical equipment and keeping the heat on during the winter months (not to mention protecting your property and food) when severe weather strikes Northern California. But the incredible peace of mind your generator buys you will only pay off […]
Propane For Agriculture: Key Uses And Benefits
More than 800,000 farmers across the USA use clean, green propane every day to power their agricultural operations, and for good reason: it’s one of the most powerful and efficient ways to power the machines and systems that keep a farm productive. It’s also the most versatile fuel for your farm. Consider all the ways […]
Wildfire safety for your propane-powered home
As we have seen with frightening clarity in recent years, wildfires can pose a significant threat to people throughout California: once a wildfire starts, it can spread quickly, destroying homes and property, felling trees and power lines, and potentially even threatening our own safety. If you own a home with appliances powered by propane gas, […]
Healthy grilling on your propane BBQ
Nothing beats a summertime meal cooked on a propane grill. The question is, can you make that meal as healthy as it is delicious? You can, if you follow a few simple precautions. The key to healthy grilling: avoiding PAHs and HCAs The main health risk associated with grilling is that it can cause carcinogenic […]
Five ways Allied Propane can we make your life easier
If you’re an Allied Propane customer (or plan to become one), you probably already know that when it comes to reliable propane deliveries, we’re at the top of the list in our Northern California service area. But reliability alone isn’t enough to keep us on top, or to keep your business. What sets us apart […]
Five reasons to upgrade to a propane grill this summer
June is nearly upon us, which means that peak outdoor cooking season will soon be arriving in Northern California. Rather than dragging out that old, trusty-but rusty charcoal barbecue and spending half an hour trying to light it (then half an hour afterward cleaning it), why not upgrade to a portable or built-in propane grill? […]
Propane – your Earth Day fuel
April 22 marks the 49th annual Earth Day – a global event conceived by former Senator Gaylord Nelson to celebrate our planet – and to challenge us to tread more lightly upon it. Want to know one of the best ways to get in the Earth Day spirit? Switch your electric appliances to clean, green propane […]
What is CETP training, and why does it matter?
At Allied Propane Service, every one of our propane technicians is CETP certified. But what exactly does that mean – and more importantly, what does it mean for you as an Allied customer? For our technicians, it means a lot of hard work and no surprises, since current CETP requirements require ongoing Refresher Training to […]
Protect your vineyard from frost damage with support from Allied Propane
A propane-powered wind machine can be a godsend for a commercial vineyard owner, helping to keep warm air circulating to prevent frost from damaging a season’s precious crop of grapes. But a vineyard wind machine will only do its job if it is properly fueled and ready to go at a moment’s notice – especially […]